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Articles and Blog Posts

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What's New with Social Security? 7 Topics to Watch in 2024

Are you ready for the changes to Social Security and Medicare for 2024? Every year, the Social Security Administration announces changes to Social Security benefits as well as changes to Medicare premiums for the following year. In this article, we are going behind the scenes to help you understand how these changes are determined, as well as some other key Social Security topics that you need to be aware of.

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Social Security Quick Reference Guide for 2024

This quick reference guide provides key Social Security numbers to help you in planning. The percentages shown here are applied to the primary insurance amount (PIA) of the worker on whose earnings record benefits are being claimed. The PIA can be found on the worker’s Social Security statement. It is an estimate of the benefit amount if claimed at full retirement age (FRA). You can obtain your latest statement by opening an account at ssa.gov/myaccount.

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