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#24 - Understanding Spousal (and Ex-Spousal) Social Security Benefits


Are you making the most of your Social Security benefits? Let’s take a moment and talk about spousal and ex-spousal benefits.

Today on the Simply Retirement Podcast, Eric Blake delves into what women need to know about maximizing their Social Security benefits, specifically spousal and ex-spousal benefits. He clarifies the eligibility criteria, benefit calculation, timing strategies, and the impact of working on social security benefits. Eric emphasizes the importance of understanding the rules around social security benefits to maximize your financial security during retirement.

 Key Highlights

  • How spousal and ex-spousal benefits are calculated
  • The eligibility criteria for spousal and ex-spousal benefits based on marriage duration
  • What the earnings test is and the implications of working while receiving benefits
  • How provisional income affects the taxable portion of your social security benefits
  • Deciding between taking Social Security benefits before and after full retirement age
  • Tax implications associated with Social Security benefits and the importance of accurate planning
  • And more!

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➡ Ep. 14: Top 5 Things Every Woman Should Know About Social Security
➡ Social Security Quick Reference Guide for 2024
➡ SSA.gov

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    Our Six Most Popular Social Security Guides & Checklists in One FREE Downloadable PDF.